06 Nov 2019
Welcome to Term 4. It is wonderful to see all students back at school. The Support Unit teaching staff would like to share an overview of what curriculum content will be taught in Term 4.
Writing: Students will continue to engage in writing using targeted texts either to inform, persuade or entertain using correct writing conventions All classes are using ‘read to write’ programs to expose students to a variety of reading materials which are then used to teach modelled, guided and independent writing.
Reading: Students will read a range of texts during guided and independent reading sessions. The focus will continue to be on ‘Read to Write’ strategy where students will read targeted texts that will influence writing different types of texts and identifying the purpose of each text type.
Speaking & Listening: Students will engage with and respond to a range of aural and oral texts, retell familiar stories, carry out simple instructions, asking, and answering questions. News book and home school diaries will be utilised to support students to share their news with their peers.
Number and Algebra: Addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, money
Measurement: volume and capacity, mass
Space and Geometry: three dimensional objects
Statistics and Probability: Data
History & Geograph
We are addressing History this term and the topic we will be exploring personal and family histories, community and reembrace.
Science & Technology
In Science, students will extend their knowledge on the topic of ‘Physical world’ exploring the different forms of energy.
Creative Arts
With Mr Leech
In creative arts lessons students will explore drama.
In PDHPE, we will be focusing on Road safety and dance run by Dance Fever.
With Ms Hayes
Library day for Support Unit is Wednesday afternoon, please send library bags and return borrowed books promptly each week for students to be able to borrow again. Any missing books will need to be paid for to fund a replacement book and parents/caregivers may be issued with a letter regarding this as students will not be able borrow until books are returned.
General Reminders
Homework: All classes have started homework this week. Kindergarten students have their differentiated learning sheets to complete each week. All homework is to be returned to class on Friday for marking.
Excursions: See term 4 calendar for all excursions and school events. Parents will be reminded of upcoming events via SeeSaw app closer to date. Please see Skoolbag app as well to keep up to date with the school events as it is updated regularly.
School Attendance: School starts at 8.55am so can you please make sure your child is at school by 8:50am and attends school every day. If your child is sick use the Skoolbag app or SeeSaw app to notify the school of your child’s absence. Alternatively you can send a sick note with your child when he/she returns to school. If students have a temperature, frequent constant runny nose, upset runny stomach and if they have been given pain relief in the morning, it is advised to seek medical advice.
Uniform: Please make sure that your child is dressed in full school uniform each day. Students must a hat to wear when they are out in the playground at lunch and recess as we are enforcing ‘no hat under COLA play’ policy as part of PBL. Please ensure all clothing is labelled with your child’s name in permanent marker or iron on label.
Behaviour Expectations: Students are expected to comply with teacher directions, obey all class rules and school rules (being safe respectful learners) and show respect to all adults and peers within the school by making good choices.
K-6 Assembly- Students attend assembly fortnightly on even weeks. Parents will be advised well in advance when their child’s class will be performing an item at the assembly via the SeeSaw app.
Canteen: Students can order lunch and recess from the school canteen. Please take all lunch/recess orders to the canteen before the 8.55am.
We look forward to working with you in supporting your child in their learning. If you would like speak to your child’s teacher, please ring the office to make an appointment or alternatively you can communicate via the seesaw app.
Thank you for your support.